Brezhnev Doctrine
Compare this document with the Truman Doctrine (which you were supposed to have read last week). What similarities between the 2 documents? Communism vs. Democracy aside, are both men essentially dedicated to the same things for their countries? Make other comments as necessary.
Due: MIDNIGHT, Wednesday, March 28
Due: MIDNIGHT, Wednesday, March 28
The ONLY similarites I see between the two are intense propaganda (Truman for the countries in the wake of communism and Brezhnev for socialism) and a desire to emphasize the importance of their respective countries. However, Brezhnev rejects self-determination, rejects democracy, rejects the right to the pursuit of happiness in the name of a higher social calling and order. I have said it before, setting up an abstract system, especially of government, as more important than any corporeal value has the potential to lead to catastrophic oppresion. This happened in America too. Mr. McCarthy and his witch hunts shamed the nations while they lasted. However, J. M. got his comeuppance relatively quickly. In the USSR, persons daring to criticize the government were quietly locked away in asylums or silenced.
I can see nationalistic simliarites between the two documents, but I am afraid I can never bring myself to see how communist and capatalist foreign policy wholeheartedly meshed. The Soviet emphasis on class consciousness (or rather the abolishment thereof) led to a dictatorship that claimed to end such. America had its class struggles too, but at least they were openly labeled as such, and not crammed away in a corner and called a non socialist, dangerous, and unfounded arguement.
ThomasBatson, at Wednesday, March 28, 2007 8:49:00 PM
well, it's late and all.. and I'm tired.. so here goes nothin'.
The Brezhnev Docterine stresses that if you're communist, you are all communist. Communist countries can't be neutral between communism and anti-communism. In his mind, communism was perfect, and those that are communist should remain dedicated to its cause. THe Truman Docterine stood fast to selfdetermination and the will of free people. In Truman's mind, freedon was perfect. Both men believe 100% that they are doing what is right for the countries they are doing it for. They are completely dedicated to their own very opposite causes.
TeganLove, at Wednesday, March 28, 2007 9:47:00 PM
The only similarity that I can see is the persuasion within the speeches from Truman and Brezhnev. Truman persuaded Congress to support Greece and Turkey and Brezhnev persuaded the Polish workers to support Socialism.
Truman was willing to put forth U.S. influence over Greece and Turkey, but he felt it would be better for the nations to be independent and self-sufficient. But Brezhnev believed that spreading communism would help the USSR and gain the Soviets domination in Eastern Europe.
taylor, at Wednesday, March 28, 2007 10:49:00 PM
Well, both men are pretty much determined to save their political views at the expense of the other. Trueman wants to confine communism and eventually crush it out. Brezhnev wants to re-establish the same kind of communism and keep it going. Each man had a view and is trying to gain support with it. They both are trying to unite their country by first giving the country an aim, and second identifying an enemy. Both are nationalistic and think their ideals are the right ones, and that it is their duty to protect it. Brezhnev wants to get rid of the grey area because he sees only communism or non communist no middle area. Trueman also sees only black and white but wishes to rid the world of what is, in his eyes, wrong. Both, as poitical leaders, have a certain say over what happens, however their power lies more in persuasion and both present good arguments.
manxomefoe, at Wednesday, March 28, 2007 10:50:00 PM
The similarities between the two documents are that both put forth the call to protect ones fellow countries under attack from outside influence. Both degrade the opposing side's ideas as groundless and 'evil'.
If political and ideological affiliations were cast aside, both Truman and Brezhnev appear to be gunning for the same goals. Both feel their way of life or their infulence is threatened by the prescence of the other. However, one large difference seems to be in the extent to which they desire influence. Brezhnev would just love to have a few more satellites, while Truman appears to only want to uphold the United States' dignity by backing up their promise to aid non-communists and perhaps protect trade interests.
laura, at Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:38:00 AM
I'm willing, (unlike Thomas), to consider the two doctrines to be similar. The Truman Doctrine was about helping democracies faced with a communist revolution. The Brezhnev Doctrine is about helping communist countries face movements supporting democracy and independence from the USSR. So they both are proclaiming that they will save governments from escaping their government type, though wording it to say that they are saving those nations from themselves, basically. The revolutions tend to come in different forms in that the revolution from democracy -> communism comes from the people, from below, the grassroots, while communism -> democracy is often enacted from government, as they proclaim neutrality or independence from above. So, I believe they are effectively the same, just substitute the names and key ideas of the governments they support.
Unknown, at Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:36:00 PM
The similarities between the two documents make them laughably absurd. Both Truman and Brezhnev defend their system as being the ideal way of preserving self-determination in other countries, basically condoning the manipulation of other countries in their nation's favor while they're at it. While Truman preaches giving aid to Greece and Turkey in their war against the communist minority, Brezhnev declares he is protecting the interests of the majority as well: the majority of the Communist and socialist community. Neither side wants the other to be remotely close to it's border, and with the policy of containment making the Soviet government increasingly paranoid about "anti-communist forces" within its satellite countries, a bit of friction is inevitable. While helping another country out with its war and defending censorship are important because of the motives behind them, each man puts an ideological front to their actions to gain support and prove justification. Both men are commited to protecting the ways and the power of their nations, and in eerily similar ways.
Victoria, at Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:59:00 PM
Victoria S.'s post:
There are many more differences than simililarities between the documents. Brezhnev is promoting communism and persuading communists to make themselves appealing. Truman however, is attempting to persuade people to defend/rally suppport against the communists. The similarity is that overall, Truman and Brezhnev are persuading readers to support their governments in times of conflict. Both wish to appela and provide their message not only to the citizens of their country, but to surrounding countries as well. The use of persuasuion and nationalism to appeal to citizens for support is the main similarity.
RJS, at Wednesday, April 11, 2007 2:41:00 PM
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