Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

Why would Louis XIV do this? What is his point of view? What does he hope to achieve with this? Is he a politique?

Due: MIDNIGHT, Wednesday, Sept. 27

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

As you know, Mary, Queen of Scots, was Elizabeth I's cousin. Comment on their relationship, as well as the significance of Mary's execution. Compare/contrast what you know about Elizabeth's decision to execute her cousin with your observations of Elizabeth's speech to her troops (previous doc).

Due: MIDNIGHT, Tuesday, Sept. 19

Elizabeth I: Against the Armada

This is the speech given by Elizabeth to her troops in 1588. Comment on Elizabeth's character, using specific examples from the speech.

Due: MIDNIGHT, Tuesday, Sept. 19

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ignatius of Loyola: Spiritual Exercises

Read the Spiritual Exercises.

Answer the usual 5 questions. To whom was Ignatius writing?

Pick two (2) of Ignatius' rules that you found most interesting and comment on them.

Due: MIDNIGHT, Sunday, Sept. 10

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Luther's 95 Theses

Compare this to the Tetzel document. Why is this so radical? Pick out your favorite thesis and comment on it. What are the major themes?

Due: MIDNIGHT, Tuesday, Sept. 5

Tetzel's Sermon on Indulgences

Scroll down until you see the text of Tetzel's sermon. I think this is a powerful document commenting on the role of religion at the time. Comment on it, and then take a look at Luther's 95 Theses.

Due: MIDNIGHT, Tuesday, Sept. 5